Latest paper in Journal of Libertarian Studies


This article examines the patriarchy through evolutionary psychology, economics, and biology (primarily hormones), suggesting it stems from adaptive strategies rather than from male dominance. Traits like male competitiveness and resource acquisition evolved to meet environmental and reproductive pressures, influenced by female mate selection. Similarly, female preferences for caregiving and stability align with evolutionary roles in child-rearing, implying that gender roles are deeply rooted in biology rather than social constructs. Reevaluating the gender pay gap and the glass ceiling, the article argues that career choices, work hours, and risk tolerance—shaped by hormonal and biological influences—significantly affect workplace disparities. By examining patriarchy through a scientific lens, this article offers a more comprehensive understanding of gender roles, emphasizing the adaptive strategies evolved by both men and women while addressing the intricate interplay of evolutionary influences and the tension between parity and merit.

Article in Skeptic.
